Counterfeit Product Awareness
Vitamode has recently received numerous reports from customers about counterfeit products being sold online, with some unknowingly purchasing them. These fake items are made to resemble genuine Vitamode products but do not meet the original quality or safety standards.
What are Counterfeit Products?
Fake products are those that have been purposefully manufactured and sold under false pretences, selling themselves as real. These products are offered illegally and do not match the original product’s quality standards in any given case.
Luxury goods, medicines, and even food products are some examples of counterfeit goods. In some situations, these products can constitute a major hazard to customers’ health and safety, necessitating industry solutions to prevent the creation and sale of fake products.
Check & Verify
Poor packaging
Look out for typos, low-quality graphics, or prints that differ from the genuine product.
Unusual texture
Fake items may feel off, like scratchy fabrics or inconsistent makeup textures.
Missing features
Counterfeits often lack essential components, such as ports in electronics.
Suspiciously low prices
If a product is being sold at a considerably cheaper price than usual, this could indicate that it is fake.
No warranty or support
Genuine products come with warranties and customer support. Counterfeits don’t.
Identify Online Sellers
Seller Name
Always ensure to double check seller's store profiles. Only purchase from official pharmacy distributors.
Customer Review
Check for recent, positive feedback. Authentic sellers typically have consistent reviews about product quality and service.
Product Rating
Genuine Vitamode products will have higher ratings. Be cautious with low ratings or mixed reviews.
Attention to Purchase of Vitamode® products (including the online platforms), please do opt to purchase from our authorised healthcare professionals or registered retailers.
If products were to be purchased from gray market dealer or unknown sellers, we cannot guarantee the precense of any chemical substances, specifications or quality that might be detrimental for consumption.
Please beware of the counterfeit products, as we are not able to appraise suspected products to privde any assurance of safety, or exchange them with authentic items should there be any problems arising form the counterfeits products.
Lastly, please also be informed that we shall assume no responsibility for any damage, trouble or health concerns caused by counterfeit products.